Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Installation of Tomcat on Windows

What is Tomcat ?
Tomcat is java based web server, support jsp, servlet, and java application, but does not work as application server.
Tomcat need java environment to execute jsp and servlet or java class files. This needs to be JVM installed on server or machine, before running Tomcat. Java, JDK, JRE, JVM is available freely from sun, and other third party.

Installation of JDK Java
 Sun provides different executable file for Windows and Linux operating system version. Sun provide JDK for Linux in .bin or tar.gz format, and for Windows.exe format. After downloading file from sun, install JDK, simple double click or through command prompt. Default installation directory for java in Windows is Program file à Java, and Linux /opt. Tomcat 5.5.17 version requires at least java1.5 version. When jdk is installed in default location, need to configure the environment variable.

Environment Variable Setting
Environment variable is next to set java home in system environment. This will help to know others application where java is is installed and where java files have to compile. JAVA_HOME variable name needs to set in environment variable as variable name and variable value as the java home directory c:\ jdk1.5.0.
Step to do this setting, go to my computer icon and right click and go to properties
My computer->right click->properties-> Advance tab->environment variables ->

User variables –> New

User variables –> New

Click on new button and new pop up will open. In variable value, enter your java path where java is installed in system.

Tomcat Installation
Tomcat installation is of two types.
 Apache provides self-installer for tomcat installation. This tomcat is in executable binary file. Download, and install, self-installer do all work automatically.
 Second is source code extractor. This tomcat installation is also easy as self-installer. Before tomcat installation, check all jvm, java, and environment path set properly.
Apache tomcat is freely available from Apache Jakarta site:
According to per requirement, tomcat is downloaded in form of binaries or source code. We are using zipped pack for windows installation. Download zipped binaries code latest one from this site. Unzip this code and c:\ drive and anywhere desired directory. After unzipped directory system will like that


This is means that tomcat is installed properly and ready to run web server. Open bin directory and double click on start up.bat file. Start-up.bat will open in dos command prompt.
After starting tomcat, check tomcat in web browser by typing local host: 8080 in address bar http://localhost:8080/



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